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Pregnant help

Hannah PRC Blog

Lana's Story

At Hannah, we have the privilege of working with clients in crisis, and watching God transform their lives and situations with His great love. Lana is one of these women. Read her story and be inspired! “When I found out I was pregnant, I was living in Conway, Arkansas with the baby’s father. Our relationship had started out so well – friends first, and our families were friends - and things seemed to be going ok - he even seemed excited ...


Meet our New Director, Jennifer Davis!

 We sat down with new Executive Director Jennifer Davis to find out what influenced her decision to work at Hannah, what we might be surprised to know about her, and what future changes we might expect to see at Hannah. Read her answers below! What has surprised you most about working with Hannah? What continues to amaze me more than surprise me, is God’s unfailing love of this ministry. I’ve been on staff in the past and then served ...



Breastfeeding is the most natural and beneficial way to provide essential nutrients and antibodies for a baby. Breastmilk contains all the necessary nutrients a baby needs in the first few months of life, and has numerous health benefits for both the mother and the baby. Here are some of the many benefits of breastfeeding:   Provides Optimal Nutrition for Babies Breastmilk is the perfect food for newborns, full of nutrients that are ...


Healing from miscarriage

Miscarriage is a painful experience that can leave women feeling isolated, helpless, and deeply saddened. It is a harrowing ordeal that affects not just the mother but also her partner and loved ones. The loss of a pregnancy can be a difficult journey physically, mentally, and emotionally. Healing from miscarriage is an incredibly personal journey; there is no right or wrong way to cope with what has happened. Below are some suggestions to help ...


Facing pregnancy fears

“I can’t stop worrying.” Does this sound like you? If so, know that it is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience a wide range of emotions, and riding that emotional roller coaster can be challenging! Whether you’re a first-time expectant mom or an experienced parent, whether your pregnancy was planned or unplanned, one emotion is common to all: fear, specifically, fear of the unknown. Pregnancy, though joyous and exciting, can ...


How Can I Provide For A Baby?

If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, one of your first concerns might be, “How am I going to provide for a baby? I can barely take care of myself!”. This aspect can feel overwhelming, and sadly, some women rush to end their pregnancy without taking the time to explore the many resources available to help them. At Hannah Pregnancy Resource Center, we can help you find these resources. Here are some examples: Medical Bills– we ...


What Should I Know About the Abortion Pill?

  With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, many women facing unplanned pregnancy are considering the abortion pill. If this is you, we want you to have as much information as possible to make an informed decision. We would love for you to come in and talk about your options with us in a safe, compassionate environment where you can slow down and make the best decision for yourself. Meanwhile, here are some things you might not know about the ...








101 West Main St. Suite 201
El Dorado, AR

Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


126 East Washington
Camden, AR

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:00 am - 4:00 pm


216 Union Street
Magnolia, AR

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

10:00 am - 4:00 pm
